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Psykolog Erik Forsell lade den 8 maj fram sin doktorsavhandling "Adaptive Treatment Strategies in Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Predicting and avoiding treatment failures" på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge.
Eriks huvudhandledare har varit professor Viktor Kaldo. Dr. Johanna Boettcher (Freie Universität Berlin) opponerade via länk.
Ur abstract: "Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavior Therapy (ICBT) is efficacious for a number of psychiatric disorders and can be successfully implemented in routine psychiatric care. Still, only about half of patients experience a good enough treatment outcome. Using data from the early part of treatment to identify patients with high risk of not benefitting from it, and target them with additional resources to prevent the predicted failure is a potential way forward. We call this an Adaptive Treatment Strategy, and a very important part of it is the ability to predict the outcome for a specific patient."
Här hittar du avhandlingen och klicka här för att läsa mer om Erik på Karolinska Institutets webbplats!
Publicerad 2020-05-13
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